Maintenance and upkeep of the young offender unit at Quatre Camins prison, La Roca del Vallès, Barcelona. Spain.

Activities, Infraestructures, Maintenance

Upkeep of specialised services:


Management of maintenance at Quatre Camins prison includes preventive and corrective maintenance (including everything related to security and replacement). All measures are carried out in compliance with the customer’s system of internal regulations and protocols.


More files are regularly made for preventive maintenance which contain the specifications of each family with their preventive protocols and technical reading parameters as required:

Preventive maintenance: combining all technical, administrative and management measures during the life cycle of an item intended to preserve it or restore it to a state in which it can perform its required function, and carried out at predetermined intervals or according to prescribed criteria, in order to reduce the probability of failure or decline in the performance of an item. This is subdivided into scheduled preventive and forecast maintenance.


Corrective maintenance: combination of all technical, administrative and management measures carried out after examination of a failure and intended to restore an item to a status in which it can perform its required function.


Replacement maintenance: combination of all technical, administrative and management measures designed to restore the initial condition of an item and its functionality. It is subdivided into replacement due to end of life, substitution or modification.